Saturday, October 25, 2008

Falliday Open House

Today we had our 3rd annual Fall Open House. I think it is so fun to host parties, this one is one of my favorites, I invite my friends who sell things and we open our home to our neighborhood to come and shop, so fun. 2 of my good friends make amazing jewelry and they are sure to put up a dazling display, my other good friend sells Mary Kay and we spral her goods across our giant island and it looks so pretty. This year I also invited my niece who is a new photographer to display her talents and offer her services. Finally a friend who sells "layers clothing" also added her stuf to the mix. I think Brooke had the best sales percentage of the day, she baked cookies, cupcakes and cinnamon rolls and sold enough to purchase herself 2 sets of earings and some lipgloss!!! I was a nice day but I wish sales were a little better for my friends selling their wares....there is always next year. Let me know if any of my WA girls want some amazing jewlery!!!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

What a fun idea! It always amazes me how many talented people there are all around us. How wonderful that you have a home where you can host such a fun activity.