Friday, October 3, 2008

You know, from back in the 80s.....

Yesterday Dakota and I went for a horseback ride in the canyon near our home, we saw a huge jack rabbit, and elk tracks, this was his first ride out of our yard. We rode for over 2 hours, just him and I, he on Lightning and me on Bubba. Ko did fantastic, what a superstar. My saddle has a riffle holder on it. It is a ropers saddle, personally I use the holder for the fall colored berries I find and leaves I can dry for our home! In his 8 yr old wisdom he was informing me that the riffle holder was for the deputies, when they needed to carry their guns, "you know Mom, back in the 80s when the deputies used their riffles alot...................." Thankfully I was ridding ahead of him and he couldn't see my face cracking up. I did however inform him that I was a teen in the 80s!

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Lol - that makes me feel old. Kids say the funniest things.

Hey Shell - - I'm glad see that I'm on your blog list. I feel loved. Just kidding I already know you love me.